Happy New Years!
Happy new year everyone!
I hope you are all staying safe and getting plenty of rest. The last few months have been hectic with writing and traveling. It was almost as if we were in the clear. Traveling from convention to event since August has been so very fun but we are happy to have been home for 3 weeks as we close up the final goings on from 2021 and launch into 2022.
What's New!!?
Couples DnD - We are back Tuesdays 5pm pst with Couple's DnD. This time we will be sometimes gaming one on one and sometimes with other couples! I'll be Dungeon Mastering and my leading man, Jamison Stone will be Vajra now on a new adventure as he has finally saved the island he was hunting fiends on.
NEW LIVESTREAMS - We have even more videos and podcasts lined up in 2022. Stay tuned into www.twitch.tv/satinephoenix!
KICKSTARTERS! - We are wrapping up Sirens: Battle of the Bards as well as have started Oath of the Paladin DnD 5e Campaign and setting. This year will also bring another supplement to Sirens: Battle of the Bards. A collection of adventures in Salvata!
GMTips - We learned this year that scheduling GMtips during work hours wasn't very conducive to folks being able to make it so we are combining the Tuesday shows to one Saturday stream per month. The date depends on our travel schedule but will be able to start these up after Satine's Quest ends Jan 14th.
NEW GAMES AVAILABLE - We have a new game available! One Saturday a month i'll be running one shots. This is the perfect time for you to bring your tier 2 or 3 character to test out. I'll also be running original games and some Apotheosis Studios play test material. This is perfect for those who want to game but do not want to commit a character for multiple months, unless you do :D.
GAMES SOLD OUT - Most of the Patreon ongoing campaigns have been sold out however we do have spots open in the Wild Beyond the Witchlight Feywild campaign 2nd Mondays as well as the Pulp Adventure 3rd Wednesday night game.
DUNGEON MASTER & STORY COACHING - We now have "1 30 min session per month" and "1 60 min session per month" meetings available. Here I'll help you with things like Table tactics, story development, campaign organization & much more!
We have quite a few events already scheduled into the calendar for 2022! Please join us in the fun!
SATINE's QUEST www.satinesquest.com
Jan 10 - 14, 2022. Wentworth Mansion, Charleston South Carolina. (4 night)
May 29 - June 5, 2022. Cruise NY to Bermuda. (7 night)
Aug 19 - 21, 2022. StonePhoenix Manor in Boulder, CO. (2-3 night)
Dec 2 - 4, 2022. StonePhoenix Manor in Boulder, CO. (2-3 night)
DnDinaCastle www.dndincastle.com
I will be running DnDinaCastle mini campaign games and Jamison will be running one shots!
Round 2: March 31 - April 4, 2022.
Round 3: Sept 2 - 6, 2022
Round 4: Sept 7 - 11, 2022
Round 5: Sept 14 - 18, 2022
Round 6: Oct 16 - 20, 2022
Round 7: Oct 21 - 25, 2022
Round 8: Oct 27 - 31, 2022
GARYCON www.garycon.com
WEDDING CEREMONY Thursday March 24, 2022 at 8pm
RSVP and ticket to garycon required: www.stonephoenix.com
Sept 20 -30: Paris, Barcelona, Milan, London.
ghengiscon.com Feb 24 - 27
Garycon.com March 24 - 27
gencon.com Aug 4 - 7
One Shot Saturdays: Jan 29, Feb 12, March 5, April 30, May 7, June 25
Pulp Adventure: Jan 19, Feb 16, March 15, April 20, May 18, June 14
Witchlight Feywild: Jan 17, Feb 14 , March 14, April 11, May 9, June 13
SOLD OUT: Feywild: Jan 25, Feb 22, March 21, April 26 , May 24, June 28
SOLD OUT: Eberron: Jan 31, Feb 28, March 28, April 25, May 23, June 27
SOLD OUT: Edge of Sands: Jan 16 & 30, Feb 20, March 13, April 10, May 1
Thank you all for your love and support. I hope to get to see each and every one of you over the next couple of years as things settle a bit. I miss you dearly and am happy to be able to get to see you once in a while over video.
Happy Holidays and have a wonderful new year!
You friendly neighborhood Satine!